Bellbird / Korimako help our native plants by pollinating their flowers
One of the nine species of extinct Moa - flightless birds endemic to New Zealand
The Fantail / Piwakawaka is a familiar sight in gardens across New Zealand
The flightless Takahe is a unique bird, a conservation icon and a survivor
Australasian Harrier Hawk / Kahu is a large bird of prey that occurs throughout NZ
The NZ Bellbird, also known by its Maori names Kormako and Makomako
The black-billed gull, also known as Buller's gull, or Tarapuka
Black morph Fantail is less than 5% of South Is fantail population.
The Blue Duck / Whio is only found in NZ and faces a risk of extinction
The fantail is one of New Zealand's best known birds
Shelducks are very vocal birds, with males giving a characteristic 'zonk zonk'
The Fiordland Crested Penguin / Tawaki, is a crested penguin endemic to NZ
The Weka is a flightless bird of the rail family and is endemic to NZ
The New Zealand Kaka is a large parrot found in native forests of NZ
Kea - sociable and highly intelligent alphine birds
Never feed Kea. Feeding Kea is harmful to them
Kea (Nestor notabilis) are endemic to the Southern Alps of New Zealand
Keas at Otira Gorge NZ
The Kingfisher / Kotare occurs in both coastal and inland freshwater habitats
The Morepork / Ruru is a small brown owl found throughout New Zealand
The New Zealand Falcon / Karearea is one of our most spectacular birds
The NZ Pigeon / Kereru is a bird endemic to New Zealand
Paradise Shelducks / Putangitangi are large NZ goose-like ducks
The Pied Oystercatcher / Torea-pango is a species of wader endemic to NZ
Pied Stilts / Poaka are wading birds common at NZ wetlands and coastal areas
The Pukeko is probably one of the most recognised native birds in New Zealand
The Red-billed Gull / Tarapunga is a native of NZ
Royal Spoonbills / Kotuku Ngutupapa occur in fresh and saltwater wetlands
The South Island Robin / Toutouwau is a sparrow-sized bird found only in NZ
The South Island Takahe (Notornis) is a flightless bird indigenous to New Zealand
Spotted Shags / Parekareka are mainly found around South Island coastal waters
Weka are large, brown flightless birds that are feisty with a curious personality
The White-faced Heron / Matuku Moana is NZ's most common heron
White Heron / Kotuku - rare in NZ with a population of just 100-120 birds
The Yellow-eyed Penguin / Hoiho is a penguin native to New Zealand
Paradise shelducks are commonly observed flying in pairs of grazing on pasture
The South Island Robin / Toutouwa occurs in forest and scrub habitats
Tui are boisterous, medium-sized, common and widespread bird
Wekas are omnivores, they feed mainly on invertebrates and fruit